
Your Views on London Southend Airport (October 2021)


London Southend Airport is eager to learn your views towards the airport. This survey will take between two to five minutes to complete. If you are unsure about any questions, you may skip or withdraw from the survey at any time.

The airport has appointed SEC Newgate UK to assist us in carrying out this consultation. The following data may be collected if you choose to share it; your name, postcode, email and the contents of the feedback you provide. This information is recorded for the purpose of asking for your views on the future of London Southend Airport. Your personal data will not be used for any other purposes without your consent.

At the end of the project, your data will be removed from SEC Newgate UK’s information systems. If you wish to review their privacy policy in more detail, please visit www.secnewgate.com/privacy-policy/. London Southend Airport's privacy policy can be viewed at: www.southendairport.com/website/privacy-policy/. If you have questions at any time about the survey or the procedures, you may contact the project team by email at lsa@secnewgate.co.uk.

Thank you very much for your time. Please start with the survey now by clicking on the Next button below.
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